Acoording to Mehrab News Agency, the great Youth Day ceremony was held in Tehran by the Center of Supervision on Mosques Affairs. More than 2000 of mosque activists were present in this ceremony.
The ceremony was began by reciting some verses of holy Quran. Hujjatul Islam Haaj Ali Akbari, the president of the Center of Supervision on Mosques Affairs was the first preacher of this ceremony. He described the concept of young. Then explained the characteristics of young mosque activists and commented on the importance of relationship between mosque as a religious and social institute and youth.
Haaj Ali Akbari said:
'' young mosque activists use their adolescence in service of mosque. He pay attention to mosque as the God's house and respect to all presented in mosque from any generation. Mosque activist the symbol of unification in mosque. mosque is the place for fostering elite youth''
President of the Center of Supervision o Mosques Affairs talked about the new strategy for mosques management which is created by the religious and academic experts of the Center and introduced its titles.
He pointed empowerment of the Imams and rejuvenation as two cardinal pivots ov this strategy and asked the present activists to coordinate with the Center in order to create a cultural revolution in mosques.