Following Imam Khomeini’s historical speech in 15th Khordad 1342 (5th June 1965), the grand ayatollahs of Tehran such as Ayatollah Khansari, Ayatollah Behbahani and Ayatollah Tonekaboni took sanctuary in Sayyed Azizullah Mosque to protest against Pahlavi Regime. Following this great event, the other mosque of Tehran and then Iran joined to this popular protest and delivered their speech following Ayatollah Khomeini. Pahlavi’s security forces closed Sayyed Azizullah Mosque, but the volume of protest increased till Asadollah Alam, the former Prime Minister of Iran in Pahlavi Dynasty.
Charsough Bazaar of Tehran as a strategic point is located in political and economic center of Tehran. That’s why. Sayed Azizullah Mosque played an important role in any kind of social activity in Tehran. These activities upraised by 28th Mordad Event and placement of dictatorship I Iran. The American forces coalition with Pahlavi increased their pressure on Muslim people of Iran to prevent them to have any kind of Political activity against the cruel regime. But mosques were the only place to be able to gather people together under holy Islam flag. The religious cores of youth in mosques were the start point for protest against Pahlavi Regime.
Among these mosques, we can nominate Sayyed Azizullah, Sheykh Ali, Aminodoleh, Ark and Azerbaijaniha Mosques of Tehran as the main links between Iranian clergy caste and people especially religious youth in protests against Pahlavi Regime.
You can read more about Sayyed Azizullah Mosque and its beauty architecture: