The drop-in will take place Saturday at the Halton Mosque, 4310 Fairview Street, in Burlington, between 2-6 p.m.
“The whole purpose for this is just to open our doors and welcome the larger community into our mosque so they can get to better know us as Muslims,” said Imam Abdullah Hatia. Tour guides will be on hand to answer any questions about Islam, or any of the religious practices that take place at the mosque.
There will also be a free barbecue, Mediterranean sweets, henna tattooing and calligraphers writing guests’ names in Arabic on a special piece of paper as a take-home gift.
The Halton Mosque was built in the early 90’s and provides services to approximately 3,000 people from the Burlington and surrounding area. In the past, open houses at the mosque were an annual occurrence but one hasn’t taken place in approximately four years.
Imam Hatia said he hopes the gathering will increase understanding as well as “the respect and love that we that we should have for one another as Canadians, as human beings.”