This would make it double the current capacity of 700 which can currently worship at one time at the Uxbridge Street site.
Around £200,000 of the £1 million needed has already been raised. Architects' drawings show it will be constructed in the car park of the current mosque, as well as in a neighbouring industrial building already owned by the mosque.
The plan will then see the current mosque demolished to make way for a car park. It is not yet known the exact size of the building, and planning permission is yet to be applied for and granted.
The mosque's chairman Mohammad Riaz, 61, said: "We will try to make it the biggest and best in Europe if Allah wills it.
"I don't think there will be any issues with planning permission.
"It will bring a good image for this area as well, and be a big boost for the community.
"We hope we can start building as soon as possible."
Mr Riaz said the building would be a community-funded project. He added: "It is a lot of money, but once we start, a lot of wealthy businessmen will help.
"I am looking forward to it – we have been trying to do this for a very long time.
"There are always lots of new people, from Somalia and North Africa coming to our mosque, so now was the time to build it."
The new mosque will keep the name of the old one – Central Jamia Masjid Rizvia.
Another reason behind the proposal is the access to the current mosque. Mr Riaz said, at present, it was 'dangerous to get in and out of' because of the narrow entrance, with restricted views on to Uxbridge Street.
The chairman said he hoped the new car park would have a wider entrance, making it easier for cars to get in and out.
Following meetings in the Muslim community, the designs will be submitted to East Staffordshire Borough Council's planning department.
They will then be subject to the same scrutiny as other applications, including an opportunity for public consultation and feedback.
No date has yet been decided for submission to the council.