The Israeli occupation police on Tuesday morning came down heavily on the peaceful Muslim female worshipers and sit-inners at al-Aqsa Mosque, denying them the right to their prayers within for the second week running.
In the early morning hours, Israeli troops imposed a security cordon around the Mosque and prevented all Palestinian women, along with a number of male worshipers above the age of 25, from entering it.
Meanwhile, non-violent Muslim worshipers protested in front of al-Silsila Gate, lifting banners and chanting slogans in protest at Israeli intents to divide the mosque between Muslims and Jews.
The Muslim protesters further slammed the apathy maintained by the international community as regards Israeli attacks on the peaceful Muslim congregation.
According to local sources, the Israeli police kidnapped three Palestinian youngsters and dragged them to nearby investigation centers. One of the arrestees was released a few hours later.
At least 63 settlers, escorted by armed officers, broke into the al-Aqsa Mosque earlier in the morning, Jerusalem’s Awqaf (Endowment) department reported.