"We are standing out here because we want our friends in the mosque to know -- our Muslim friends -- that we love them,” demonstrator Jeff Hood explained to his young son.
Cadenhead hastily arranged the rally on Facebook because she was so disturbed by a recent armed protest targeting the same mosque."They're so used to seeing hate I am sure it is wonderful for them to see people from all walks of life showing love," Tonya Cadenhead said.
"It really hurt my feelings and made me angry,” she said. “And I wanted to show Irving is a community of love and support for our brothers and sisters who live here."
"It's amazing to see such a large group standing for love and literally no one standing for hate,” Cadenhead said. “So we're going to start a community and counter that as much as we can with more of these love rallies and show the world North Texas is full of love and great people."A counter demonstration was expected across the street, but didn't materialize.