According to Center of Supervision on Mosques Affairs, the prominent member of the Iran's Parliament emphasized importance of mosque and its effective role in Muslims world in an interview with official website of this organization and said: mosque is the symbol of all theoretical and practical Islamic values. That’s why some European states don’t allow their people to build mosque and believe that constructing mosque is as propagation of political Islam.
Hadd Adel continued: Not only in Muslims world but mosque is the symbol of unification and Islamic Awakening all over the world. Then it's compulsory to build, repair band care of them.
Head of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature expressed his regrets and concerns about bitter events occurred in Muslims world by Takfiris and Zionists and said: Those who destruct mosque such as ISIS are recruited by the global arrogance.
God willing, we will get rid of ISIS and its supporters. The destructed mosques also will be rebuilt even better than past, Haddad Adel asserted.