Members of Iran’s Sunni Religious School Council for Planning, Sunni Friday prayer leaders and a congregation of scholars presented a letter to the Supreme Leader of Iran; wherein, they expressed gratitude towards Ayatollah Khamenei for his considerate statements, prohibiting any disrespectful comment towards Aisha, the mother of the Faithful.
A portion of the letter states the following: The historic and significant statements made recently by your Eminence, on prohibiting disrespect and insult towards the wives of the holy Prophet of Islam (May God’s greeting be upon him and his household), illustrated your continuation of perpetual guidance; as well as, your endless and intellectual efforts towards consolidating the Ummah for the sake of unity; thus, wiping away dust of discord from the faces of Islam’s different sects. Such gestures create a wave of contentment, enthusiasm and joy in the hearts of those who love Islam and the Islamic Revolution across the globe, regardless of being Sunni or Shia, during this blessed month of divine merciful feast.
Undoubtedly, the issuance of this resolute verdict proves that the Guardian of the Muslims (Wali amr Muslemeen’s) holds a firm belief in the necessity of strengthening unity and solidarity among Muslims, rejecting extremism in an Islamic society, especially during an era wherein imposter Muslims, extremists and takfiri groups backed by the global arrogance and the international Zionism, are entwined in demoralizing the reputation of Islam.”
Signed by:
Nadhir Ahmad, Sistan Baluchistan representative at Assembly of Experts; Fayeq Rostami, Kordestan representative at Assembley of Experts; Mulla Qader Qaderi, member of Iran’s Council of Sunni Religious Schools Planning and the Sunni Friday prayer leader of Paveh; Qorban Muhammad Unaq, member of Iran’s Council of Sunni Religious Schools Planning and senior member of Sunni Jurisprudence community of Northern Iran; Mohammad Eshaq Madani, Sunni scholar from Sistan Baluchestan; Abdel Rahman Sarbazi, member of Iran’s Council of Sunni Religious Schools Planning and Chabahr’s Friday prayer leader; Abdelrahman Khodayi, Sanandaj’s Friday prayer leader; Abelbaeth Qetali, Bandar Abbas’ Sunni Friday prayer leader; Abdelaziz Qazizadeh, Evaz’s Sunni Friday prayer leader; Haji Muhammad Abedikur, Bandar Turkman’s Sunni Friday prayer, Khalil Afra, member of Iran’s Council of Sunni Religious Schools Planning and Chancellor of Sunni Clergy Assembly of Bushehr Province; Sharafeddin Jami Al-Ahmadi member of Iran’s Council of Sunni Religious Schools Planning and Fishvar’s Friday prayer leader; Abdelrahman Khatibi member of Iran’s Council of Sunni Religious Schools Planning and Qeshm’s Friday prayer leader; Mohammad Amin Rasti, member of Iran’s Council of Sunni Religious Schools Planning, lecturer and Sanandaj’s temporary Sunni Friday prayer leader; Galdi Kamali, Chancellor of Khademiyeh Sunni seminary school of Amanli, North Khorasan province; Abdelsamad Sadati, Chancellor of Saravan;s Sunni Darul Oloom and Friday leader prayer; Molla Mostafa Mahmoudi, member of Iran’s Council of Sunni Religious Schools Planning and Piranshahr’s Friday leader prayer.