Coincided with Karamat Decade celebrations (Sayyida Masuma birthday through Imam Reza), 120 British Shi’ite students and pupils attended the Razavi Holy Shrine.
Coinciding with the fifth day of Karamat ten-day celebrations, 120 Shi’ite students and pupils of London College attended the Razavi Holy shrine and after pilgrimage and gaining spiritual blessings, enjoyed the special programs in the Ghadir portico of the Razavi Holy Shrine thanks to the management of non-Iranian pilgrims of Astan Quds Razavi.
Shrine tours, broadcasting Razavi Holy Shrine introduction in English, visiting the Exhibition, Central Museum, Museum of Carpets of Astan Quds Razavi, distribution of cultural products and blessed packages, were among programs and services, which were performed for this group of pilgrims.
Also, the titles inscription of Imam Reza (A), the stone of the Holy Grave of Imam Reza (A) and the album of Imam Khomeini (ra) entitled the Splendor of Sun, were among cultural goods donated to this group of pilgrims.
Sajid Sarafraz, Quran teacher of this group, on the sidelines of initiation to the Razavi Holy Shrine said, “I am grateful to the Almighty God for letting me visit Imam Reza (A) for the first time. I'm so glad this happened, and I thank God.”
“I have many wishes; however, when I saw the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A) the only wish I could speak of, was the appearance of Imam Mahdi (Aj)” he stated.
“All Shi’ites worldwide, yearn for visiting the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A), I ask Imam Reza (A) to provide means for pilgrimage of all aspirants” the English Quran teacher said.
“Today, world’s people are eager for Razavi teachings and our most important mission as Quranic activists is promoting culture and pure learnings of the household of the Apostle of God (PBUT) and the teachings of Islam around the world” he added.
This group of pilgrims, after the blessing of pilgrimage attended Samen al-Hujaj munificent banquet.