According to University of Malaysia’s Center of Quranic Research (CQR), titled The International Tahfiz Al-Quran Symposium, it will be held on November 22-24 at Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM) in Bangi, Selangor.
A number of Quranic and academic centers including the University of Malaya, Quranic Research Center, and Taqwa Institute will cooperate with the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) in organizing the event.
Papers to be presented at the three-day event will feature Quran learning methods and ways to enhance methods of Quran memorization.
The deadline for submitting papers (in English, Arabic or Malay) to the secretariat of the symposium is September 10.
According to CQR’s website, the center’s activities are concentrated on research, publications, organizing workshops and roundtable discussion in educational, religious, literary fields, scientific and technology.