Kobe Mosque of Japan (Sunday, February 25, 2018) 19:53 Kobe Mosque(神戸モスクKōbe Mosque), also known asKobe Muslim Mosque(神戸ムスリムモスクKōbe Muslim Mosque), was founded in October, 1935 inKobeand isJapan's firstmosque. The Center of Mosque Studies - Kobe Mosque(神戸モスクKōbe Mosque), also known asKobe Muslim Mosque(神戸ムスリムモスクKōbe Muslim Mosque), was founded in October, 1935 inKobeand isJapan's firstmosque. Its construction was funded by donations collected by the Islamic Committee of Kobe from 1928 until its opening in 1935. The mosque was confiscated by theImperial Japanese Navyin 1943. However, it continues to function as mosque today. It is located in theKitano-choforeign district of Kobe. Owing to its basement and structure, the mosque survived the air raids that laid waste to most of Kobe's urban districts in 1945 and was able to endure through theGreat Hanshin earthquakein 1995. The mosque is located in one of Kobe's best-known tourist areas, which features many old western style buildings. The mosque was built in traditional Indian style by the Czech architect Jan Josef Švagr (1885–1969), the architect of a number of Western religious buildings throughout Japan. Average Rate:0.0 (0 votes) 12345 Rate 12345 Email is required Show my email. Characters left: 500 Comment is required Generate New Image Generate New Image Alert me when published. Submit