The Center of Mosque Studies - The Islamic Education Center (IEC) Incorporation in Potomac, Maryland established in 1998 as non-profit institution.
It uses the property bought by a group of local Muslims and trusted to Alavi Foundation of New York to be used by IEC. The property also known as IEC was established in 1981 with missions similar to IEC Inc. mission but was run directly by Alavi Foundation.
The mission of the center is to promote Islam through culture and belief. To facilitate this goal, the center holds Islamic classes as well as educational and cultural meetings and weekend schools.
A full time accredited (since 1986) school called the Muslim Community School (MCS) which serves grades “K” to high school also operates on the IEC property. The center holds further Islamic activities to promote unity and to serve the needs of community members and the community at large.
All activities are run through the support of a community members and volunteers who support the activities through financial support /donations.
The center seeks the participation of all concerned Muslims to provide for the needs of the community whether it be of a scientific, financial, spiritual or cultural nature.
The Islamic Education Center promotes unity and invites all to serve Islam by taking an active role in the development of the Islamic society in which they reside.
Hujatuleslam Haj Sheikh Ahmad Bahraini is the Resident Alim (Imam) and Religious Director of IEC.