The Center of Mosque Studies - Muayyer -ul-Mamalek mosque of Tehran is located in south east of Tehran. Then some parts of the mosque were sold to people in extending plan of Tehran. Some shops were donated to the mosque to fulfill its material requirements. There is a water reservoir in south west of the courtyard which two air ducts covers it to make its water cool. This water fulfilled the required aqua for the local people also which its source was the water ducts of Sangelaj District (in Bazaar of Tehran). The mosque was established in 1284 Hijri by Moayyer-ul-Mamalek in a 500sq.m land area.
We can category the building in three divisions:
The first part is the central core of the building which is open and includes the courtyard and its surround spaces. The second part is the porches which are semi open and finally the third part is composed of the covered spaces such as shabestan, dome room, rooms, water reservoir and the washbasins, toilet, etc
Domes are the symbol of sky in mosque architecture of Iran. The dome of this mosque is very beautiful and fully brick made. Its bow style had been common in building of the Safavid mosques. There are two attractive minarets also in front of the dome and top of the balcony which are composed of two separate parts. The base of dome is a rectangle which is covered by a semi cylinder.
The northern shabestan plan also is square which its mehrab (alter) with half meter depth is located in south this shabestan. The required light of the shabestan is fulfilled by the sky lights which are installed on top of the dome. Mounting these sky lights has been common in the old and new mosques of Iran. The southern shabestan had been used as the classroom for the clergies and its interior design is very simple. In past, there had been the clock tower on top of this shabestan which had been used as air conductor also.
The porches also have designed the eastern, western and southern sides of the mosque which connect the courtyard to the shabestans and rooms. These porches are based on some stony columns which the bodies of them are made of very strong and wide bases.
Source: The Center of Mosque Studies (the historical mosques of Iran)