The Center of Mosque Studies - With the passing of 65 years since the establishment of this murderous Zionist regime and the various ups and downs in this important and sensitive issue, and particularly with the bloody events of the past year, two realities have become clear for all.
The first reality is that the Zionist regime and its criminal supporters recognize no limit or boundaries regarding viciousness, cruelty and trampling underfoot all human and ethical standards. Crimes, genocide, mass destruction, the killing of children, women and the shelter-less and any violation and oppression that they can commit, they not only make permissible for themselves, but more so, they take pride in.
The second reality is that this disaster and calamity has not led to the results that the leaders and supporters of that murderous regime wanted. Contrary to the idiotic dreams of power and stability for this regime that the filthy officials of the Zionist regime dream, day-by-day this regime has moved closer to implosion and annihilation.
The 50-day resistance of besieged and shelterless people of Gaza in the face of the full capabilities of the Zionist regime, and the resulting incapability and retreat of that regime and its surrender to the conditions of the resistance- is a clear example of that regime's weakness, incapacity and hollowness.
All of this means: the people of Palestine have to be more hopeful than ever before, the fighters of Jihad and Hamas have increase their efforts, purpose and work, the West Bank has to intensify the continual path of glory towards power and steadfastness, the Muslim peoples have to demand real and serious support of Palestine from their governments and Muslim governments have to take sincere steps in this path.
The third priority and important matter is the wise view that activists who wish well for the world of Islam have to take, regarding the difference between pure "Mohammadean Islam" and "American Islam". They have to caution themselves and others from confusing these two with each another. Our magnanimous Imam (ra) was the first to point out the difference between these two and entered it into the political lexicon of the Islamic world.
Pure Islam is the Islam of tolerance and spirituality, the Islam of piety and democracy, the Islam of being "forceful against the unbelievers, merciful towards the believers"
October 2, 2014
What we can see in front of our eyes today is the events of Gaza and Palestine. Why do Zionist aggressors give themselves the right to attack a Muslim country in a way that the heart of any viewer in the world is filled with sorrow and sympathy? Do they do this just because they have destructive weapons, airplanes, missiles, bombs, explosives and gunpowder?
You witnessed the demonstrations in western countries. Of course, people in western countries became aware of these events as much as the hidden censorship apparatuses allowed them. The hidden censorship apparatuses do not allow people to become aware of the truth. The truth is much more bitter and much more tragic than what the western media networks allow to be reflected about the issues of Gaza. Despite this, you can witness that even this level of awareness is shaking the hearts of people in those countries that know nothing about Islam. The event of Gaza is so bitter and heartbreaking.
But today, the world of Islam does not have the power to react to and stop this transgression and savagery and the blood-thirsty desire of the Zionists. This is why the people of Gaza are alone. Not only do arrogant powers - who are happy about the presence of Zionism in the heart of the Middle East region in order to pursue imperialist goals in this way - not support the oppressed, but they also support the oppressor with complete shamelessness. It is the responsibility of the world of Islam to do something in this regard.
Statements made in meeting with government officials and the ambassadors of Islamic countries; July 29, 2014
What the leaders of the Zionist regime are doing today is genocide and a great historical catastrophe. The perpetrators and supporters of these crimes should be put on trial and punished on an international level. Their punishment is what people's representatives and righteous and sympathetic personalities in the world should request.
And they should not escape punishment with the passage of time. They should be punished, whether they are in power or when they lose their power and are overthrown. Both the perpetrators of these crimes and those who are openly supporting them - you have heard and seen the news about their support - should be punished.
Statements made during public address in Eid ul-Fitr prayers; July 29, 2014