The Center of Mosque Studies - The history of this building backs to 429-590 Hijri-Qamari. This is the remains of a huge building from Seljuk era which is located in Pir Shamseddin district and in center of a cemetery and is formed of three parts.
The first part is a minaret which its form demonstrates its history. It could be built in Seljuk era and is located near by the mosque. It is made of an octagon base and its cylindrical body. There are two inscriptions installed on this minaret. The first one shows the Ozon Hassan Agh Ghoyonlou’s order and seconed one which its date of production backs to 878 Hijri-Qamari and presently is kept in the National Heritages Museum.
The second part of the building is the shaft covered arch which is built on nine woody columns and these columns also are installed on non-regular stony bases. The entrance gate also is made of wood.The third part is in fact the old mosque which includes dome and four arches. Almost part of the building is brick made and are used rarely.